Thursday, 22 March 2012

read read read read.......readdddddddddddd

My mission today is to finish reading these very few articles...i have been doing continuous reading for the past few day and today i feel extremely lazy..burn out? i cant think of any other thing except for work & study...gonna meet my supervisor tonite..i hope to hear favourable comments..huhu...if u ask me, what i can say not satisfied with my own work..i feel like im not doing enough reading..not thorough enough for a Phd level..i feel like my writting is such a crap..i can imagine my supervisor laughing at my writting..she must have been thinking 'what on earth is this student doing'...ya ya..i know that is just my imagination, probably my anxiety level shoot up today

Juggling between & family..hmm...i can only pray to give me mercy...

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